Insights that drive growth.
Stay informed with expert perspectives on environmental challenges, solutions, and strategies. Empower your business with the knowledge you need to succeed.
- Eric Hanis
- Tags: Remediation
Dual-phase extraction (DPE) is one of the most effective remediation methods, extracting pollutants from soil and groundwater on-site (in situ). DPE (also known as multi-phase extraction and bioslurping) system treats and collects removed liquids for disposal or injects them back into the subsurface. There are two general categories of DPE technologies: single and dual-pump DPE systems. […]
After decades of pursuing technological progress, unconcerned with side effects, humans have become increasingly aware of our fast-paced development and its impact on the environment. The unregulated industrial expansion has left scars on the ecosystem, such as air pollution, water pollution, climate change, soil contamination, etc. To minimize the consequences, governments introduced strict regulations, imposing […]
- Eric Hanis
- Tags: Remediation
What is a Soil Vapor Extraction System? Soil vapor extraction (SVE) is an in-situ remediation method used for cleaning up soil and removing vapor from below the surface. Vapor extraction occurs with the aim of treatment above the ground. Cleansing of vapor recovered from the subsurface involves recovering or destroying the pollutants. When contaminant chemicals […]
- Eric Hanis
- Tags: Phase I ESA
A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report investigates a property’s current condition and historical use. Its purpose is the assessment of the potential liability of a new owner due to the presence of hazardous materials. It serves in real estate transactions such as land and building purchases, leases, and bank loans for commercial real […]
What’s the Risk?: Breaking Down Environmental Liability Environmental liability seems to be this abstract concept… until it happens. Here is how it usually happens. You decided to purchase some commercial real estate. You find the perfect property for your business and talk to the bank about getting a loan. You submit all your financial statements […]
I was honored to be named a “Chicagoan to Know” by Ankin Law. We had an interview where I was able to speak about how Hanis Consulting came to be realized, and how we help our clients. You can check out the 3-minute recording HERE.
- Eric Hanis
- Tags: Phase I ESA
( Click here for Part 1, Click here for Part 2 ) Phase I ESA Report: Once the environmental professional has performed the appropriate records review, site reconnaissance, and key site personnel interviews, the report can be prepared and issued. The Phase I ESA report should follow the ASTM International Standard Practice for a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. […]
- Eric Hanis
- Tags: Phase I ESA
( Click here to access Part 1 ) What does a Phase I ESA contain? If you have ever had a Phase I ESA performed or looked at the report, you know they are large documents to say the least. These reports can be incredibly overwhelming if you do not have a basic understanding of the report, […]
- Eric Hanis
- Tags: Phase I ESA
Phase I ESA – A Primer Here at Hanis Consulting we get asked a lot, what is a Phase I ESA is and why is it needed? A Phase I ESA must cover specific criteria to be “All Appropriate Inquiry,” (or AAI) compliant. If there are any deficiencies with the Phase I ESA, the User, […]
- Category: Real Estate Transactions
- Eric Hanis
- Tags: Phase I ESA
Environmental due diligence gives the seller an opportunity to correct any issues prior to listing the property, that the buyer’s consultant would likely find. This gives the seller the opportunity to increase the asking price for the property. To give a parallel example, it’s like knowing you need to re-roof your home in order to […]