What does a Phase I ESA cost?

Interior view of a room with oil covered barrels and buckets, featuring oil drums identified in Phase I ESA, emphasizing Phase I ESA cost.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) costs vary due to location, size of the property, the history of the property and the consultant performing it; however, they typically range from $2,000 to $3,500 or more. We will breakdown what drives Phase I ESA costs, what to look for and what to look out for when […]

Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment: Faster, Smarter, and Business-Driven

Magnifying glass looking at soil with high-tech digital overlay exemplifying high-tech Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments

Introduction: A Strategic Approach to Phase 2 ESAs A Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is a crucial step in environmental due diligence, ensuring that potential contamination risks are identified before they become costly liabilities. Whether you’re acquiring a commercial property, seeking financing, or preparing for redevelopment, a well-executed Phase 2 ESA can mean the […]

Expert Insights in Phase 1 Environmental Assessments

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Introduction If you need to go to a doctor for an annual checkup, you will make sure you see a licensed medical professional and an expert in the relevant field. How about your car repair? You will probably not risk going to a person without adequate mechanic qualifications. The same applies to Phase 1 Environmental Site […]

Top 10 Most Common Environmental Risks Uncovered in Phase 1 Assessments

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Introduction Environmental risks are substances, phenomena, or activities in the natural or built environment threatening human well-being and nature. These hazards can be natural or artificial, ranging from water, groundwater, soil, and air pollution.   This article will underscore the significance of environmental due diligence, describing the top 10 most common risks uncovered in Phase 1 Assessments. […]

When to Conduct a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment and Why It Matters

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Greetings, business owners and real estate investors! Today, we’re taking a closer look at when to conduct a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment and why it plays a critical role in addressing potential environmental concerns. Building on our previous discussion where we clarified what a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment entails, we’ll now explore the […]

Recognized Environmental Conditions: Your Essential Guide in the World of Phase I Environmental Site Assessments

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Understanding the environmental risks associated with a property is essential for business owners and commercial or industrial real estate investors. One of the key factors in this process is identifying Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs)—a crucial component of environmental due diligence. RECs can indicate potential contamination that may impact property value, regulatory compliance, and future liabilities. […]

Phase 1 to Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment: Problem Discovery in Industrial Properties

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Environmental site assessments are critical processes in evaluating the environmental risks and liabilities associated with a piece of industrial property. They play a crucial role in determining if the property is contaminated and if further evaluation is needed. The assessment process is typically divided into two phases: Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments, […]

Hydrogeological Investigations – An Integral Part of Successful Environmental Projects

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What is Hydrogeology? Hydrogeology (geohydrology) is the study of groundwater. Groundwater can get in the soil in many ways, flowing in various directions into the subsurface through aquifers. On its way under the surface, groundwater goes through the ground and rocks, affecting how people get and maintain potable water supplies and how they use the […]